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Why ChlorAXIS®?

ChlorAxis® Green Coffee Bean Extract (Coffea robusta) is the premier Green Coffee Bean extract available in the marketplace. Featuring not less than 10% 5-CQA (caffeoylquinic acid), a primary phytonutrient subclass observed as the key metabolite in the efficacy of this globally accepted botanical powerhouse.

Standardized to not less than 50% chlorogenic acids, ChlorAxis® is not expected to raise serum triglycerides like most green coffee bean extract powders available in the marketplace. With a total polyphenol content in excess of 75% and caffeine content less than 2%, ChlorAxis® is an antioxidant powerhouse and highly refined to remove the harmful coffee diterpenes cafestol and kahweol naturally found in coffee. Neutral in color and highly soluble, ChlorAxis® is perfect for any beverage or nutraceutical formulation targeting weight loss, blood glucose control, metabolic syndrome or antioxidant effects

Top Features

  • Premium Beverage Grade

  • 10% 5-CQA

  • 50% Total Chlorogenic Acids

  • 75% Total Polyphenols

  • Best-in-Class Green Coffee Bean

Product Details

Product Name Item # Pack Sizes
ChlorAxis® 5CQA Green Coffee Bean Extract AG6344 20kg

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.